Our new Crossfire Hack by Pyro has been released for free to anyone who registers, Cross fire is one of the most popular games in the world and so many people play it you can hardly ever find an empty server. We have a full 45+ featured Cross Fire hack with full aimbot and ESP where you can rage in every server or turn things down a little and look legit. No other site has as many features as we will be releasing. If your a fan of the game watch the video below and make sure you and so you get the news when we release! The CF hack could come out later this week, tonight, this weekend or next week. Just keep checking back because Santa wants to be good to all of you for Christmas. Here is the video, watch the start for super fast sniper jump kills and then watch the rage killing shortly after
Crossfire Cheats VIP Features Will Include
Check out what features will be in the VIP build!!!
Super bullets
Weapon Teleport
One hit kill{SS}
Rapid Fire{SS}
Long Knife{SS}
Rapid Knife{SS}
Walk through walls{ss}
Maximum bullet range
No recoil
No spread
Instant reload
Name Esp
Boax Esp
Health Esp
Bone Esp
Weapon Esp
Visible checks
Aim modes { Closest to player, closest to crosshair, lowest health, Tactical }
Self protection ( overrides aimbot if someone is aiming at you )
Fire mode
No weapon weight
Auto kill
Spawn Shield check
Room crasher
Instant weapon switch
Super jump{ss}
Full damage through walls
No fall damage
No flashbangs
No grenade damage
Max bullets ( 6 shots per bullet )
No scope
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Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolore... Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo...
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